Monday, November 26, 2012

Fathers and Finances

Before the Industrial Revolution men and women spent most of their time together. After WWII women went to work and since then they have continued to work. This has created a rift in the family dynamics. They are not as close as they used to be. This has also created rifts in many other aspects in families such as marriage, husband and wife relationships, and children and parent relationships. Father's have felt most of the brunt of the burden on themselves to provide for the family if the the mother does not work, and other financial issues. If the family went from a two income family to a one or visa versa then that becomes difficult. If the family went to a two income family they might think they can spend more and end up running out because they weren't thinking and weren't planning ahead. If a family went from two incomes down to one then they need to refine what is most important to buy, what is really necessary and to get by until the next paycheck comes. This will change the structure of the family. Some of the kids might have to pick up the slack when the parents goes to work. If mom has been the primary care taker and then goes off to work then she will need some help and assistance with the care of the kids, home and family. But if the kids work out something to help mom, it might not be as bad, and may even draw them closer together instead of futher apart.

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