Saturday, October 20, 2012


There are a couple of different kinds of love. I had no idea there were 4 different kinds of love. The different kinds of love are storage, philia, eros, and agape. Storage love is the love between a parent and child. You might have a responsibility or a connection with them, and you have a commitment and emotional tie to them. Philia is the love between friends, brothers, sisters which is specific to one person. Eros is the love we most often think about which has to do with physical, lustful, sexual, and romantic. Eros is the love we feel like we always have and might be the only kind of love we have for someone. If you love someone for this reason you probably don't know them, and have no compassion. Agape is the genuine compassion, charity or concern for someone that you have met or not met.
If you truly love someone it might be a combination of all 4 types of love. You will have a responsbility or connection to them, you have a friendship with them before marriage, it may turn romantic, and then you have genuine compassion towards your significant other.

This statement is based off of the Relationship Attachment Model (RAM). You must know more about them than you trust them. Trust more than you rely on them. Rely on them more than you are commited. And be more commited than you touch them. It is true, it is a good thing to know way more about a person than you would ever touch them.

I hope to be able to recongnize what kind of love it is when I think I have fallen in love with Mr. Right. I hope I can really know the person and not get caught up in LOVE.

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