Saturday, September 22, 2012

Siblings are a blessing

Sometimes siblings can be a pain in the butt, but I never realized it or thought of it this way before. Because of the fact that I have siblings I know how to associate with others. I know how to work as a team. I know how to have relationships. Now as I think about it, they push you to a breaking point somedays. They will always (I hope so) be my friend, they will always be there for me. They are always there to talk to.

I have a relative that has only 1 child. They don't plan on having any more children. I worry about the child. I worry that he won't know how to share, won't know how to relate to other people, won't know how to have a relationship with others besides his parents. To me (and this is my opinion) they need to have another child. How much more richer that family would be in blessings, in this life and the next. I watch the reality show 19 kids and counting about the Duggar family. They always say how many children God gives them. If God blesses them with another then they are fine with that. I thought wow that is alot of kids and I thought maybe there should be a limit. She has gotten to a point that maybe this isn't good for her body to have these kids, but hey it is their choice and we should not be there to tell them otherwise. To think of the children and how much they are being blessed by having siblings, by being around a group, learning how to interact. They are doing something good for their family and also for the world. They are helping the society by keeping the birth rate from going down even further.

All in all I feel that family is important no matter the size but my personal preference is the more the better. If we are able to replenish the earth that is fantastic. I hope some day when I have children that I am able to have at least 5. Children are a gift from God and should be treated that way. I hope to be able to replenish the earth and help the birth rate go up instead of down as it is going now.

The facts about the birth rate and individualism comes from The New Economic Reality: Demographic Winter Part 1, Part 2. They had many good points about how the society is declining and what has lead to it, and what are the trends of society that lead to low birth rates, and low fertility rate. If you have some time they are very worth your time. Warning though, they are each 54 minutes long.

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