Saturday, December 8, 2012


Couples typically get divorced for 5 different reasons: 1) set in their ways, 2) skill sets, 3) children are expensive, 4) children, and 5) the belief that divorce is an option

My father has been married twice. His first wife pretty much walked out on him. He has since gotten remarried to my mom. My dad had contact with his 3 daugthers for a while and had them for part of the summers. Then things became distant and he almost lost contact with his daughter. The oldest was the first to contact my dad and had a relationship with my dad and she still does. He talked to the 2 younger siblings for a while but eventually they didn't want anything to do with him and have not had the best of luck with husbands. They both have been married twice, and had children with multiple husbands. My dads ex-wife would tell nasty rumors about him that weren't true so that led the girls to think that their father was a bad person, which he isn't.

Divorce is a sticky situation and effects families in many different way. Think twice before getting married and how your life is going to change. If you aren't ready for this change, stop the relationship before it gets too far. If you are thinking about divorce think how it will effect others and what you can do to stop the divorce from happening, such as counseling, and seeking help from others.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Parenting can be one of the hardest things we do in life. It won't be easy. There will be times when it will be hard and unmanagable. It will take practice to learn the right and the wrong things to do. When we try something with one child it may not work with another child. We need to use our best judgement and hope that we don't screw up. We need to teach our children cooperation and how to work well with others. We also need to teach them respect. This is not necessarily something that we teach as parents, it is more of something they see by our example and how we treat them and how we treat others with respect. We also need to teach them responsibility. We need to teach them that they need to be responsible for their duties and tasks and to take responsibility for their actions. We need to give them tasks and chores to complete and have them suffer the consequences sometimes if they don't do these tasks and they will learn from this. Courage is another thing we need to teach them. We as parents need to encourage our children and show them that we really do care and have their best interest at heart and want them to succeed. We need to build up their self-esteem and tell them they are beautiful, wonderful and they can do anything they set their mind to. This message needs to come from the heart and we need to be sincere about it.